How to do a traceroute (in windows):Start -> run -> cmdtracert (substitute out...
Are your servers running the Zend Optimizer? What version?Yes. Currently the servers run the latest stable version of Zend Optimizer. Contact...
Can I create a custom 404 error page?Yes. To replace the default 404 error page that is displayed, you can create an HTML file and...
Can I upgrade my account in the future?Yes, you can easily upgrade your account at any time. The cost is simply the price difference...
Can a UNIX/LINUX file or directory name contain spaces or special characters?No. A UNIX file name (or directory name) on Linux systems should not include empty spaces or...
Can your service transfer my website from my old provider?Yes, Greenix Hosting will transfer all of your accounts from your previous provider completely...
Do you allow adult, warez or other illicit sites or content?No. Please see our Terms of Service located at Terms of Service for allowed content and any other...
Do you have ImageMagick installed on the server? What version?Yes. We update our servers to the latest stable version
How and what for a robots.txt fileFor those new to the robots.txt file, it is merely a text file implementing what is known as the...
How can I move my Website from my old host to your service?You can transfer your files and databases yourself using the tools provided through cPanel and...
How do I check the amount of disk space I have available or used on my account?1. Log into your cPanel account. 2. In the left column you can find disk usage and space...
How do I create subdomains?All Accounts have a "www" subdomain (In "", the "www" part is the subdomain)....
How do I increase the PHP Memory Limit?Add to your php.ini file or create a blank text file called php.ini (if one doesn't already...
How soon will my account be setup and ready to use?Your account will be setup upon confirmation of payment. You will receive an email with your...
I added an addon domain. Why did it say a "subdomain added?"Every addon domain also creates a subdomain. An Addon is basically a subdomain that can also be...
Is there a minimum time contract/commitment?At this time we do not have nor intend on requiring any contracts/commitments. Our customers are...
Perl ModulesPerl modules are collections of functions that allow you to perform tasks in Perl. There are many...
SSI IncludesServer Side Includes (SSI) Primer If you look at the pages on our site, you'll probably notice...
What are the directory paths for my account?Listed below is the path to your directories on our servers. Please be sure to use the path that...
What is phpMyAdmin?phpMyAdmin is a Web-based database-management system. With it, you can perform most database...
What is server-side scripting?Server-side scripting refers to programs that run on a Web server to create dynamic web content...
What payment options do you accept?We currently accept all major credit cards worldwide and PayPal. We use PayPal to process...
Who Is Local Directive & What Is Their Relationship To Greenix Hosting?LocalDirective is a full service digital marketing agency and a strategic partner of Greenix that...